Space debris mitigation has become an international custom for international space activities. 空间碎片减缓已经成为国际空间活动中一项国际习惯法规范。
After some relevant relations and asking, the custom officer referred her to the Er Lian Hao Te international travel agency. 在经过一番请示和联络之后,海关同志同时指点廖佳来到二连浩特的国际旅行社。
What's the "first custom" in the international society? 被国际社会公认的“第一礼俗”是什么?
Development of Folk Custom Tourism in Urumqi And Measures& Xinjiang International Bazaar 乌鲁木齐民俗文化旅游开发现状及对策研究&新疆国际大巴扎
Immigration and custom procedures at an international airport. 在国际机场入境与海关手续办事处。
We also provide custom synthesis as well as technology development service to customers and guide manufactures in QC& HSE in complance with international standards. 同时我们还能为客户提供定制、技术开发服务并知道工厂提高QC、HSE水平。
According to traditional views, the international custom is the source of the international law, while the international practice is not. 传统观点认为,国际习惯是国际法的渊源,国际惯例不是渊源。
It aims at enhancing brand popularity and custom 'loyalty towards brand and creating international well-known brand. This paper offers resolution and proposition of decision-making on brand image, marketing skills, marketing environment, orientation and global brand target. 并以提高品牌知名度、消费者品牌忠诚度、创立国际知名品牌为目标,从品牌形象、品牌营销手段、品牌营销环境、品牌定位和全球化的品牌目标等五个方面提出了解决办法和决策建议。
An Analysis of International Custom and International Practice 国际惯例与国际习惯之辨析
This article discusses some theoretical problems about the international commercial custom and thinks that the international commercial custom is autonomous rule with legal force which has come from such fields as international trade, transportation, payment, insurance, arbitration etc. 本文就国际商事习惯的部分理论问题进行了初步探讨,认为国际商事习惯是在国际贸易、运输、支付、保险、仲裁等领域发展起来的,具有国际性和法律约束力的自治规则。
This paper puts forward a new Custom Regulation model, which includes Risk Management System depending on information technologies and Custom Risk Management platform by reference with international Customs Information System. 借鉴国际海关通行的做法,提出了利用海关信息平台,构筑一个科学、系统、完善的风险管理体系,全面推进海关各项业务改革,加快海关现代化建设的步伐,提高海关管理水平。
Although most custom barriers have been put away, anti-competitive behavior if not regulated maybe a new barrier of development obstruction of international free trade, and make the conflict between trade policy and competitive policy obviously. 尽管关税壁垒已经被大大消除,但反竞争行为如果得不到规制将会成为阻碍国际贸易自由化发展的新壁垒,使得贸易政策和竞争政策的冲突和矛盾愈发突出。
However, in the view of legal effect of the international custom, the international practice is on the same level as the international custom. 然而,从国际习惯的效力来看,国际惯例和国际习惯的地位是同等的;
The third is dynamic environment of custom business. dynamic capabilities have positive impacts on international performance; 第三,环境动态性。环境动态性调节效应的研究结果表明,市场需求动态性和技术发展动态性对于动态能力和国际经营绩效关系的调节效应均显著。
We try to make Chinese folk custom more international and let the Chinese film more typical. 我们力图让中国的民俗更加国际化,让中国的电影更具典型性。